Things to do and see


The Parco dei Cento Laghi (Park of the Hundred Lakes), which is part of the Parchi del Ducato (Parks of the Duchy), holds the highest concentration of glacial lakes in Emilia-Romagna. It is very near our location, a few kilometers from the Albergo Ristorante Ghirardini, which is also a branch of the Ente dei Parchi del Ducato.

Since the Park rises from 400 to 1650 meters above sea level it has created an extraordinary variety of environments and a high degree of biodiversity. An environment in which nature and the life of women and men have integrated to the point of becoming the ideal place for some agri-food excellences such as Parmigiano-Reggiano DOP and Prosciutto di Parma DOP.

Born in 1995 as the Crinale Park of Alta Val Parma and Cedra, after the establishment (2001) and expansion (2010) of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennine National Park, the Regional Park has reconfigured its territory and changed its own “mission”.

No longer just the protection of the splendid summit environments, rich in nature and almost completely uninhabited, but rather the enhancement of the rural mid-mountain landscape, still well preserved and rich in biodiversity, agriculture, typical products, culture and tourism.

The Parco dei Cento Laghi within Parchi del Ducato

A welcoming “Middle Earth” between the great cities of the Po Valley and the isolated and wild Tuscan-Emilian ridge.

Visit the Parco dei Cento Laghi Website

Mountain Bike

Alta Val Parma in MTB is a system of 8 routes, with different levels of difficulty, which allows you to discover the Alta Val Parma (in the Municipality of Corniglio (PR) by Mountain Bike.
Visit the dedicated page

Adventure Park

Near Prato Spilla (Municipality of Monchio delle Corti, about an hour’s drive from us), stands the Forestavventura Park, a system of acrobatic routes on trees, with Tibetan bridges, walkways, ropes and a 76 meter long Flying-Fox.
Visit the Website

The Sea around the Corner

The Cinque Terre National Park is only an hour and a half drive from us.
Visit the Park Website

The Mushrooms Season

The mushroom picking season is formally open from April to November.
Visita the Unione Montana Parma Est Website for more informations on mushrooms picking.

Walking on Trails

Beginner hikers but also the most experienced and demanding will find unforgettable routes to tackle in all seasons.
Click here for more detailed informations.

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